FAQ: Author
Unfortunately, because of our strict confidentiality policies and privacy and data security regulations, we cannot release the names of authors who have utilized our services or the titles of volumes we have edited.
However, you can visit our Client Testimonials page to see what customers are saying about us, and we do have some Customer Case Studies, where authors have given permission to be featured on our website.
Even if a book has the potential to be a bestseller or a major motion picture, it may be a while before you can attract the attention of an agent and a publisher. Because of this, we cannot accept such proposals, and we will settle for the fees described on our Authors page. If your book or screenplay does become a bestseller, the profits should go to you alone—you are the author, and it’s your work.
Yes and yes! You can send in your work in as many sections as you like—just make note of the editor’s code when the first order is returned so that you can use this code to request this editor on your subsequent orders. This will send the manuscript directly to your preferred editor. If they are available, they can work on each section of your manuscript.
If you have questions after we've done some work for you, a Customer Support Professionals will be happy to relay your comments and queries to your editor and then send the answers back to you.
However, we avoid having editors and clients talk to each other before or during the editing process, and here's why: Your readers won't have the benefit of a personal chat with you while they're reading your work. Your document or manuscript must be able to stand on its own merit, and your editor has to be able to review your work objectively. Also, when you choose your service from our many options, your manuscript will be sent to editors who are familiar with, and like, your kind of work. If you have any special concerns or requests, you should always include these in the “Instructions” section when you place your order. Assuming these are within the parameters of our service offering, the editor can then address these concerns when they are editing.
No, we're used to seeing all sorts of styles, dialects, formatting, and other creative approaches; we'll revise your work with the aim of helping you optimize your unique voice and style. If we're not clear about an intent, we'll leave a comment with a question or we'll suggest a couple possible options. If some major aspect is unclear, one of our Customer Support Professionals will send you an email and outline the potential concern so that you can let us know the best way to proceed. If there's something particular that you want us to avoid when revising your work, just explain this when you fill in the "Instructions" section while placing your order.
We're thrilled and touched that you'd like to do such a thing, but we'll have to politely decline. It's your manuscript, and we want you to feel confident that the copyright is indeed all yours. We don't require anything for our work apart from the fees for services rendered.
Unfortunately, we have to say no. The feedback you receive from your editor is strictly for the purpose of improving your manuscript; it is not intended for redistribution under any circumstances, as we are not in the business of endorsing or promoting specific manuscripts.
It may be that you have the "Show Markup" feature turned off. If you are using Microsoft Word 2010 or later, click on the Review tab. In the section named "Tracking," there are three drop-down menus—they're to the right of the button named "Tracked Changes." Click on the top one. Choose All Markup.
Then, click the Show Markup menu and then make sure that all the markup options are checked, including "Insertions and Deletions."
If you are using Word 2007/Office XP, click on the tab named Review. In the section named "Tracking," there are three drop-down menus—they're to the right of the button named "Balloons." Click on the top one. Choose Final Showing Markup.
If you still don't see any changes, please feel free to contact us or get in touch via chat.
Scribendi has been a world leader in the field of online editing for over 25 years. With hundreds of editors worldwide, our global reach is extensive and we have experts in every genre. With more than two decades of experience, we have proven quality standards and proven processes for evaluating and hiring only the best editors. Our testing process is extensive and thorough to ensure that new editors with Scribendi have been thoroughly vetted and have the necessary skills and experience to excel.
A typical Scribendi editor has two or more degrees, 15 years of professional experience, and is published in their chosen field or genre. Our editors are experienced with every type of manuscript. See what our customers have to say about our qualifications—view a long list of recent comments and customer feedback on our Client Testimonials page. Since our founding in 1997, our clients have come back to us again and again. If you would like help choosing the editor that is right for your document, please feel free to contact us; our Customer Support Professionals will be happy to provide guidance.
When you place your order for a Query Package, please provide any relevant biographical information in the Instructions section so that it can be included in the query letter. The bio section of a query letter is quite short and focused on your writing background. Have you published any stories or books previously? Have you self-published any books? Do you have a degree in creative writing? Do you have profesional experience that directly relates to the book? (For example, if you wrote a book about mountaineering and you're a world-class mountaineer, please include this information.)
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, please provide the specific information in the Instructions section (e.g., include titles and publishers). At this time, agents and editors aren't interested in your motivations for writing the book, outside hobbies, or other personal information about your life. This bio is a very practical section that outlines your relevant experience. Later in the process, they will likely want to learn more about you, but at this stage they want to keep things simple and focused.
It's also fine for an author to include very little in this bio section. Lots of writers are looking to submit their first book and don't have any previous publications or degrees in writing, and this is fine. Everyone starts somewhere, and sometimes an author's first book is their first publication. But, if you do have relevant biographical information, it's good to include it here.
Absolutely not. Scribendi and its editors make no claim on your copyright, and we don't require credit, acknowledgment, or anything else beyond the fees for the services we render. Your work is safe on our secure, encrypted system, and no one outside of Scribendi will ever be able to access your work.
Your documents can only be downloaded from our secure servers. Only Scribendi employees and editors have password access to our order system, and they are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Scribendi uses SHA-256 with RSA encryption for communications between your computer and our site. Please be assured that we never sell or trade personal information.
Absolutely! You can take advantage of the free 500-word sample edit that we offer to every new customer. If you haven't placed an order with us before and would like a free sample, just pick the type of editing or proofreading you want from our order page and then click Get a Free Sample and follow the simple steps. There are no strings attached. It’s as easy as that. We know your manuscript is important to you and that it's good to be able to "try before you buy" if you're thinking about sending us your work.
You can also take a look at some of the academic journals in which our clients' articles have been featured and some of the published books Scribendi has edited.
Yes! Scribendi is a global company in every sense of the word. All you need is a valid credit card, PayPal, or Alipay account and you can use our services. If you are unable to pay with one of these direct and easy methods, we also accept wire transfers, but please note that these may cause delays in your order being processed. For more details on wire transfers, please contact Customer Support.
Yes, we know all about metres and meters, humour and humor, and spanners and wrenches. Just specify what type of English we should be using when you place your order.
In MS Word, go to the Review tab or Tools menu and select Word Count. If you're doing a word count for an academic paper, be sure to check the option to include footnotes and endnotes in the word count. You can also use the Scribendi Word Count Tool. Simply copy and paste your text into the Word Count Tool, and it will provide the word count of the document.
Please note: We do try to double-check word counts on the documents that we receive, but to ensure that there are no delays in processing your order, please make every effort to give us an accurate count. If there is a section that you do not want us to check, please mention this in the "Instructions" field of the order form.
For MS Word files (.doc and .docx), we use the Track Changes and the Comments features. You can access the Track Changes and Comments tools by clicking on the Review tab.
You can use the tools on the Review tab to Accept or Reject changes one by one, or you can Accept or Reject the changes all at once.
You can also right-click on individual changes in the document to access the Accept/Reject functions.
You can also delete the comments with the Review tab.
Right-clicking on a comment balloon also brings up a Delete Comment function in the fly-out menu.
Unfortunately, some word processing programs do not have anything similar to MS Word's Track Changes feature, which allows our editors and proofreaders to highlight revisions in red so that you can easily see and review each change if you desire. If the tracking of changes is not possible with your file type, your editor will summarize the changes in the Editor Notes section, and of course you can also compare your revised document with your original document.
The Scribendi system allows you to upload as many files as you need for your order.
More than 99.5% of our orders are delivered before the chosen deadline. However, rare unforeseen issues with a document can cause slight delays. If your order is late, please contact us.
Scribendi takes customer satisfaction very seriously. You can provide feedback directly to us (there will be a link on your order details page), or you can get in touch with us using the Scribendi Contact Us page or by calling us at +1 (519) 351-1626, and we will look into your issue immediately.