Emphasizes the Importance of ESL Editing Services at National Roundtable on Immigration representatives attend conference on creating immigrant-friendly communities
April 29, 2009

We joined more than 80 community, federal, and provincial leaders at a two-day conference last week to discuss the future of immigration in rural communities.
The conference, which was held at the Chatham Wheels Inn, was hosted by the Conference Board of Canada. The theme of the meeting was Immigrant-Friendly Communities, and the discussion centered on how to make immigration work for employers and other stakeholders in rural Canadian communities.
Our vice-president, Terence Johnson, helped lead discussions on both the immigrant experience and the need for recruiting a qualified migrant workforce.
"I'm very pleased to be growing my business and creating new jobs, even in these difficult times," said Johnson, an immigrant from the UK himself. "Attracting new entrepreneurs and professionals is vital to building a sustainable economic recovery for our community."
We participated as an exhibitor at the event as well, encouraging government agencies to adopt professional editing and proofreading services. The exhibit focused on increasing corporate awareness and providing migrant entrepreneur attendees with information on English as a Second Language (ESL) editing services.
An announcement from Chatham-Kent Mayor Randy Hope concerning plans to create a newcomer employers network in Southwestern Ontario was warmly received by the business and educational agencies in attendance. We'll support this new coalition by providing non-native English speakers with the necessary tools to succeed in the workplace. Services such as business editing are already offered to ESL writers through our website.