Generous Contribution Helps Tree Coverage in Chatham-Kent
With Earth Day right around the corner, Scribendi.com is preparing to team up once again with the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA), providing a generous donation that will contribute toward planting 20 trees in Mid-Oxley Park in Chatham on April 24th.
Scribendi Donates Computers to Help Syrian Refugees Learn English
Scribendi has donated computers to help St. George Roman Catholic Church support Syrian refugees transitioning to life in Canada.
Scribendi.com Braves the Rain to Participate in the Muddy River Run
In-house staff joined Scribendi.com President Chandra Clarke and Vice-President Terry Johnson on Sunday, May 15, 2011, in the Muddy River Run to raise funds for the Chatham-Kent VON.
Scribendi.com Clowns Around for the United Way
We spent Canada Day participating in the Art in the Park festivities by making balloon animals and painting faces to raise money for the Chatham-Kent United Way. All of the funds raised went towards the Chatham-Kent Amazing Race, which has benefited the United Way for five years.
Scribendi.com Contributes to McFadden Fundraiser
Scribendi.com donated funds to Indian Creek Road Public School’s “Buy Out For Brad,” which raised a total of $857.41 for Sgt. Brad McFadden, who was injured on his third duty in Afghanistan.
Scribendi.com Donates 10,000 Peat Pots to Chatham-Kent Greening Partnership
We have donated 10,000 peat pots to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, contributing to a local greening partnership.
Scribendi.com Donates 192 T-Shirts to Charity
Scribendi.com collected more than 60 shirts from staff in a t-shirt drive that took place at company headquarters throughout the month of May.
Scribendi.com Enjoys a Day at the Races
Scribendi.com participates in the 2011 United Way of Chatham-Kent's Amazing Race.