Thesis/Dissertation Writing Podcast Series: Thesis Editing Podcast
The first time around, your thesis draft isn’t going to be at its top potential, the mechanics of thesis editing need to be developed in order for your essay to communicate your ideas as clearly and precisely as possible. In this podcast, we discuss such things as choosing a style and being consistent throughout the editing process.
Thesis/Dissertation Writing Podcast Series: What is a Thesis?
If you are considering furthering your academic career, it is important you know what will be expected of you when writing your dissertation or thesis. The difference between the two is discussed in this podcast.
Top 10 Quotes About Editing
Whether you love the editing process or struggle through it, these 10 editing quotes are sure to inspire!
Using Commas
In our earlier article we learned that commas remove ambiguity and ensure that the reader understands the meaning the author wants to convey. Let's continue looking at some additional grammatical constructions that call for comma usage.
What is a Comma?
The comma is the most important punctuation mark for ensuring clarity in a sentence, but it is often incorrectly used. Follow our helpful comma rules to ensure you are using commas correctly.
What is a Thesis?
Making the decision to pursue a PhD degree is a significant commitment. Even if undertaken on a full-time basis, you will be committing several years of your life to a process with no certain outcome. Our editors explain what a thesis is and if it's right for you.