Capitalization Podcast: Not Sure When to Use Capitalization?
When am I supposed to use capitalization? If this is a question you ask yourself, then listen to this podcast.
Common and Proper Nouns
The English word “noun” comes from the Latin nomen, meaning “name.” We use nouns to name something, that is, a person, animal, object, place, action, or abstract idea, such as an event or quality (boy, koala, block, farm, invasion, or kindness). Nouns can be defined more precisely by the other words that go with them. In particular, nouns often have the definite article "the" in front of them.
Common Grammar and Spelling Mistakes You Missed Even After Proofreading
When proofreading something you wrote, it can be easy to miss certain grammar and spelling mistakes. Watch out for these common errors!
Common Grammar Mistakes in English
Scribendi.com's infographic about common grammar mistakes in English.
Commonly Confused Adjectives
Scribendi's infographic about commonly confused adjectives.
Editing or Proofreading?
It's common for many people, including business professionals and first-time Scribendi.com clients, to be a bit unclear about the differences between editing and proofreading.
Editing Tips—Active and Passive Voice Podcast
As you are writing your novel, it is helpful to keep some tips in mind that will help strengthen your overall storytelling. One way to improve your writing is to use the active rather than the passive voice. If you are interested in learning more about active and passive voice, listen to this podcast!
Editing Tips—Making Comparisons Podcast
As part of the Editing Tips series, this podcast gives suggestions about how to make comparisons in academic writing in order to give your reader all the necessary information. Tips and examples of how to avoid a phantom comparison are supplied to help ensure the clarity of your writing.