The Benefits of Having Others Edit Your Work
Peer editing is a great way to ensure that your essay is clear, correct, and logical. Here are some ways to get the most out of peer editing.
11 Famous Movie Quotes That Are Grammatically Incorrect
Grammar does not have to be boring! Learn about the rules of grammar from these 11 grammatically incorrect movie quotes.
The 28 Best Writing Websites of 2020
These writing websites will provide you with the inspiration and information you need at every stage of the writing process.
So Wrong It's Right: Bending Grammar Rules in Your Fiction Writing
By bending grammar rules in your fiction writing, you can give insight into characters and evoke feelings within readers. Here are some ways to do it.
Why You Shouldn't Fear the Grammar Apocalypse
Grammar rules are not always black and white, but that is what makes the English language so colorful.
12 Comma Rules for the Comma Obsessed
Some people neglect commas. Others use them after every word. Whatever your tendencies, these comma rules will help you find a happy medium.
How to Become a Writer: 12 Baby Steps to Help You Reach Your Goal
The journey to becoming an author can be long and arduous. Take these few baby steps to learn how to become a writer and start off on the right foot.
12 Literary Characters Who Love Books as Much as You Do
Book lovers will feel a special connection with these literary characters who also crave the particular magic conjured by a good book.
Writing Tips from the Screenwriters Who Wrote Your Favorite Shows
The screenwriters of some of your favorite TV dramas and comedies share writing tips for writers in all fields.
20 Awesome Movies Available on Netflix that are Based on Books (+11 Bonus Suggestions!)
If you have a taste for both the small page and the big screen, you will love these movies based on books, all of which are available on Netflix.
Scribendi Reviews Microsoft Word: 10 Hidden Features to Make Your Life Easier
Even a well-known program can surprise you with new shortcuts. Here, Scribendi reviews some of the hidden features of Microsoft Word.
Festive Grammar: There's No Gift like the Present Tense
With Christmas approaching, it is time to unwrap one of the most useful gifts you will receive this year: a thorough knowledge of the present tense!
15 Great Gifts for Book Lovers
Struggling to find a gift for a bibliophile friend? Or are you the bibliophile building your own wish list? Check out these 15 great gifts for book lovers.
4 Common Grammar Mistakes You Aren't Actually Making
It is never fun when someone corrects your common grammar mistakes, but it is even worse when you were actually right all along.
8 Visual Writing Prompts Worth a Thousand Words
These visual writing prompts are sure to spark your imagination. They focus on key aspects of the writing process, so they will also help you grow as a writer.
The 30-Day Writing Challenge: An Alternative to NaNoWriMo for Writers Who Fear Commitment
Intense projects such as NaNoWriMo are not for everyone. Improve your writing without the stress by taking the 30-Day Writing Challenge instead.
Why Every Author Should Start Writing a Journal
Writing a journal is a great way to spark creativity and establish writing as part of your daily routine.