Five Habits to Avoid in Fiction Writing
Five habits every writer of fiction needs to break.
Why Hiring a Copy Editor Is a Good Idea
Find out why hiring a copy editor is a good idea that can actually save you money.
Copy Editing and Why You Need It
Everything you need to know about copy editing.
Self-Publishing May Be Easier Than You Think
Scribendi.com's editors explain the self-publishing process in detail; it may be easier than you think.
Top 10 Quotes About Editing
Whether you love the editing process or struggle through it, these 10 editing quotes are sure to inspire!
Ten Tips to Help You Avoid Telling Writing
One of the most often quoted axioms is “Show, don’t tell.” The idea is to keep students from explaining the story, that is, to stop them from using telling writing and use showing writing instead. I have compiled ten tips that actually show you how to avoid telling writing.
How to Write a Dedication
You have finally completed your novel, but now you have to decide who to dedicate your work to and which style of dedication is most appropriate. This article will help guide you through the process of writing a dedication.
Example of a Synopsis
The synopsis is written with the express purpose of enticing a potential agent/editor to accept your book for representation or publication. For your synopsis to be effective, your writing needs to be concise, clearly organized, and evocative of both your target genre and your own unique voice. You are not only selling your book but also selling yourself as a writer, so it’s important that your synopsis be free from grammatical and spelling errors.
What is Back Matter?
Just as front matter is what you find at the beginning of a book, back matter, simply put, is what you find at the end of a book—the sections that appear after the central story has been completed. These sections of back matter are often supplementary in nature, and often inform the reader about some aspect of the book.
How to Write a Preface and a Foreword
Are you thinking about writing a preface for your book or have you been asked to write a foreword? A preface is a brief introduction (link) written by the author, as opposed to a foreword, which is an introduction written by another person that usually comes before the preface.
Short Stories: Wondering How to Fit Your Big Ideas into a Small Space?
Scribendi.com's editors explain what a short story is and offer helpful tips about how to write a short story.
Query Letter Sample
We have already discussed how to write a query letter, and provided tips on what you should include in one and how you should format it. Now, we have provided a query letter sample to help make the letter writing process easier.
Book Review Examples
As discussed in our article explaining how to write a book review, book reviews are very different from book reports. In order to illustrate what a book review is, we have provided a book review example for your reference.
How to Reduce Wordiness
Do you find yourself writing sentences that are far too long? Have you ever re-read a sentence and struggled to finish it in one breath? If so, you may be suffering from something called prolixity, or in laymen’s terms, wordiness. Our editors suggest several ways to help you avoid wordiness and increase quality.
Tax Tips for Writers
What are the tax issues surrounding income earned from writing and what are some helpful tax tips? The answer, of course, is: It depends (on how much you make, where you live, etc.). This article contains a few tax tips to start you thinking about tax issues.
Mastering the Art of Script Writing
You’ve got a great story idea, and you just know it will be perfect for the big screen. But now what? Perhaps this is your first attempt at script writing, or perhaps you already have a screenplay or two under your belt—either way, we have a few tips that can help make script writing a little easier.
Script Frenzy: What Is It and How Do I Participate?
Script Frenzy is an event, an organization, a community, and most of all, a personal goal. If you’ve ever wanted to see your story on the stage, TV, silver screen, or even in the pages of a graphic novel or comic, now’s the time. Join the frenzy!