
How to Succesfully Manage the Plot Structure of a Book Series

How to Succesfully Manage the Plot Structure of a Book Series

It is important to keep plot structure in mind when writing a book series. Each book must have its own plot while also following an overlying plot covering the series. Being able to tie these plots together is crucial because if done unclearly, readers may get confused. This podcast will explain how to manage plot structure in a book series.
Query Letter Sample

Query Letter Sample

We have already discussed how to write a query letter, and provided tips on what you should include in one and how you should format it. Now, we have provided a query letter sample to help make the letter writing process easier.
Writing a Screenplay Podcast

Writing a Screenplay Podcast

Writing a screenplay is very similar to writing a novel or a story, but in a screenplay, you don't tell the audience what is happening, you show them. This podcast will help you gain a better understanding of the art of screenplay writing.
What to Do After NaNoWriMo

What to Do After NaNoWriMo

It is finally December 1st, which means you should be done your NaNoWriMo novel. What's next? You may have a literary gem in your possession, so you don't want to stop working now. Just relax and follow these simple tips for continuing with your NaNoWriMo novel.
Eliminating Wordiness

Eliminating Wordiness

When a sentence is too long and is full of extra, unimportant words, it is referred to as wordy. If a sentence is wordy, it can be hard to comprehend and will detract from your writing. Try to follow these tips to avoid wordiness and to produce clear, concise writing.
Script Writing Podcast

Script Writing Podcast

If you have a great idea, but you are having a hard time putting a script together, we can help you get your thoughts on paper (or computer screen!). This podcast will provide you with some great tips for writing your next script.
Book Review Examples

Book Review Examples

As discussed in our article explaining how to write a book review, book reviews are very different from book reports. In order to illustrate what a book review is, we have provided a book review example for your reference.
All About Script Frenzy

All About Script Frenzy

April is Script Frenzy month. Script Frenzy is an event that encourages authors to write an original, 100 page script in one month. This podcast will explain what Script Frenzy is, how to get involved in Script Frenzy, and provide some advice for script writers.
Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month, is an event that sets the ambitious goal for authors to write a 175 page novel in a month. This podcast will outline the rules of NaNoWriMo, explain how to get involved in NaNoWriMo, and provide some helpful NaNoWriMo tips to help you finish your 50,000-word novel in a month.