A History of the Typewriter
Have you ever wondered about who invented the typewriter, the major developments that improved upon its original design, or how the typewriter evolved and was adapted for use in the modern era? If you're curious about the history of the typewriter, check out the infographic below!
Which Literary Job Fits Your Personality?
Do you love reading so much you want to make a career out of it? This quiz will help you find out which literary job best suits your personality!
Lay vs. Lie Explained (Infographic Included)
Are you going to lay down or lie down to sleep? The question is enough to keep you awake. Learn the difference between lay vs. lie so you can get some rest!
The Benefits of Having Others Edit Your Work
Peer editing is a great way to ensure that your essay is clear, correct, and logical. Here are some ways to get the most out of peer editing.
11 Famous Movie Quotes That Are Grammatically Incorrect
Grammar does not have to be boring! Learn about the rules of grammar from these 11 grammatically incorrect movie quotes.
The 28 Best Writing Websites of 2020
These writing websites will provide you with the inspiration and information you need at every stage of the writing process.
So Wrong It's Right: Bending Grammar Rules in Your Fiction Writing
By bending grammar rules in your fiction writing, you can give insight into characters and evoke feelings within readers. Here are some ways to do it.
Why You Shouldn't Fear the Grammar Apocalypse
Grammar rules are not always black and white, but that is what makes the English language so colorful.