How to Write a Letter of Recommendation
Writing a recommendation letter may seem like a daunting task. Here are some guidelines that can help you get the style, tone, content, and presentation of your letter just right. The end result will be an effective and professional recommendation.
How to Write a Complaint Letter
Life is full of disappointments, but sometimes these disappointments are so great that they warrant further scrutiny. Rather than act like a spoiled child, ranting and raving, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to write a beautifully constructed letter of complaint?
How to Track Changes in Excel 2007
Microsoft’s Track Changes function allows revisions to be made to a document and keeps a complete record of all changes made. This can be useful if you’ve created a business document that you would like a coworker to revise and proofread. All your coworker needs to do is turn on the Track Changes function, and all of the changes that he or she makes will be recorded. Once the document has been returned to you, you can then easily accept or reject each change as you see fit.
Technical Writing: What Is It?
Technical writers are responsible for conveying complex, specialized information to a more general audience. Successful technical writing tips are as follows: excellent grammar and punctuation, a clear and logical writing style, a genuine understanding of the subject, and strict attention to the accuracy of the information presented.
How to Write a Press Release
Press releases are important tools for business owners and organizations looking to increase revenues, broaden a product's appeal, or inform the media and the public of a new development. However, just as with any other genre, there is an advantageous way to write a press release.
Organizing Information for Business Writing
While it's natural to simply want to put pen to paper and begin plugging away at that technical document or business proposal, a little planning before you begin to write may save you from a room full of blank stares at the next office meeting.
How to Avoid Redundancies
While literary geniuses are free to flout style conventions, we mere mortals must adhere to them. So how do you purge your paper of redundancies? Our editors explain how to avoid redundancies in your business writing.
Grant Writing Basics
You are in need of funding to get your project off the ground, but where is the money going to come from? A grant, of course! Here we offer grant writing tips and explain how to begin the grant writing process.