Sample Candidate Rejection Letter
Now that you know the importance of a candidate rejection letter, and have been given a brief outline of how to write one, you might want to take a look at an example candidate rejection letter to make sure you have the proper format.
How to Reduce Wordiness
Do you find yourself writing sentences that are far too long? Have you ever re-read a sentence and struggled to finish it in one breath? If so, you may be suffering from something called prolixity, or in laymen’s terms, wordiness. Our editors suggest several ways to help you avoid wordiness and increase quality.
10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Editor Podcast
Good writing comes from good editing. A professional editor does more than correct mistakes; they can help you turn lead into gold! The following podcast includes 10 reasons to hire a professional editor.
ESL Writing Tips
You are a professional and are very proficient at academic writing in your first language, but when it comes to translating your work into written English, suddenly you don't know your "ifs" from your "ofs." This is natural in professional ESL writing, because writing in another language is a lot more complicated than speaking it. However, here are some helpful tips to improve your ESL writing.
How to Write a Business Pitch
A business pitch is a presentation, by one or more persons, to an investor or group of investors. The goal of a business pitch is generally to secure the resources and funding necessary to move forward with a business plan, or to continue forward with an already established business or venture.
How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter Podcast
Finding the perfect candidate is never easy. Once you have hired someone, informing the other applicants that they were not selected for the position is beneficial. Listen to our podcast to find out why writing a candidate rejection letter so important.
How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter
The hiring process is never easy, and finding the perfect candidate can be a challenge. When you do find the individual you wish to hire, it is certainly to your advantage to notify the other applicants that they were not selected for the position. Before you say that you just don’t have the time to send letters to everyone you interviewed, let’s take a closer look at the candidate rejection letter and why it’s so important.
Scribendi Review: Microsoft Office 2010
I am, by trade, an editor and writer. So am I, the astute reader might ask, the right person to write an article entitled "A Microsoft Office 2010 Review"? The answer is quite simple. I am the right person to write this article because I am not an IT guy.