8 Grandma-Friendly Books to Read to Your Grandchild
Reading to children is both important and fun. As a grandma, it is also a great way to bond with your grandchildren. These books will help you do just that.
5 Reasons to Start Reading Comic Books
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a graphic novel! Whether or not you're a superhero fan, reading comic books is a great way to spice up your literary life.
Scribendi Review: Miriam Toews' "All My Puny Sorrows"
Written by Canadian author Miriam Toews, All My Puny Sorrows is a poignant discussion of themes such as depression, pain, and the love of two sisters. This Scribendi review explores the intricacies of the novel to help you decide whether to give this book a try.
Editing Sites: 6 Ways to Determine Credibility Before You Buy
Purchasing a service online can be nerve-wracking: Is the site secure? Will they deliver what they promise? Can I easily access customer service for help? Here's how to find the answers to such questions and determine the credibility of online editing sites before you buy.
Scribendi Review: Harper Lee's "Go Set a Watchman"
There's been a lot of discussion about Harper Lee's novel "Go Set a Watchman." This Scribendi review provides one editor's take on the book.
School's Out! Now What? 10 Tips for the Recently Graduated and Unemployed
Many of us have been there: recently graduated and utterly jobless. Here's how to navigate the disheartening time between graduation and employment.
Oh, Canada! The Top 20 Canadian Authors You Have to Read
Beavers, maple syrup, hockey sticks—Canada has a lot to offer. Here are 20 of the best authors Canada has produced as a tribute to this great country!
Five Times the Books Were Better
The book vs. film conundrum!