Writing a Screenplay Podcast
Writing a screenplay is very similar to writing a novel or a story, but in a screenplay, you don't tell the audience what is happening, you show them. This podcast will help you gain a better understanding of the art of screenplay writing.
Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month, is an event that sets the ambitious goal for authors to write a 175 page novel in a month. This podcast will outline the rules of NaNoWriMo, explain how to get involved in NaNoWriMo, and provide some helpful NaNoWriMo tips to help you finish your 50,000-word novel in a month.
All About Script Frenzy
April is Script Frenzy month. Script Frenzy is an event that encourages authors to write an original, 100 page script in one month. This podcast will explain what Script Frenzy is, how to get involved in Script Frenzy, and provide some advice for script writers.
How to Write a Book Proposal Podcast
How does one go about writing a book proposal? Writing a book proposal can be tricky. In this podcast, the editors at Scribendi.com explain what a book proposal is and offer tips on how to write a book proposal for fiction.
How to Write a Character Sketch Podcast
A character sketch is a quick rendering of a character, and writing a sketch is about asking and answering questions. In order to write a character sketch, you must ask yourself questions about your character. Only you, as the author, can answer these questions. In this podcast, our manuscript editors recommend prompts to get you thinking about who your character is so that you can write a clear and concise sketch.
Are You Using an Editorial Calendar?
Want to write more articles? And more often? Then follow in the footsteps of magazine editors and utilize an editorial calendar. Our editors explain the benefits of using an editorial calendar in this podcast.
10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Editor Podcast
Good writing comes from good editing. A professional editor does more than correct mistakes; they can help you turn lead into gold! The following podcast includes 10 reasons to hire a professional editor.
Is Writer's Block Getting You Down?
If you've clicked on the link to this podcast, chances are you're one of the many authors who have suffered-or is currently suffering-from writer's block. As the fabled nemesis of authors, writer's block is perhaps the most frustrating thing about being an author. But have no fear, in this podcast we've listed ten ways you can shake off writer’s block and get back to writing.
Pre-writing Podcast: Having Trouble Putting Words on the Page?
Authors have their own writing habits, and sometimes they can be slightly odd-they may have to write first thing in the morning, only late at night, or never on Tuesdays! When asked, every author will offer different advice about how to begin the pre-writing process. What is pre-writing, you ask? We explain the pre-writing process in this podcast.
Ligatures Podcast: A Guide to their Proper and Improper Use
In writing, including fiction writing and typography, a ligature is two or more graphemes that are joined to make a single glyph. More simply put, a ligature is a single character that is created by joining multiple characters. In this podcast, our editors will explain what a ligature is and how to use one correctly.
Learn How to Write a Synopsis
If you're wondering how to get published, assembling a query package is the first step. Your query package should include a synopsis, which is the lynchpin. However, the task of writing a synopsis can be quite overwhelming. In this podcast, we outline how to write a synopsis.