How to Write a Business Plan Podcast
Establishing a business is a complex process. It should start with a detailed business plan. This podcast will cover such issues as the business profile, contacts, financing, marketing, and even bankruptcy plans, all of which are important for a successful business.
How to Write a Business Pitch Podcast
A great business pitch is necessary if you hope to attract an investor's interest. When pitching your idea, there are certain things you can do to improve your presentation. This podcast covers such issues as what details you should emphasize, what research you should do, and how long your speech should be.
How to Format a Resume Podcast
If you have a lot you want to say on your resume, or perhaps if you don't have enough, proper formatting can be a valuable way to manage your words. Your resume should be clear, concise, and guide your potential employer. This podcast will help you determine what to feature in your resume and the most appealing way to format that information.
How to Format a CV Podcast
There are several important components of a CV. It is after you address these basic elements that you can customize your CV to suit a particular employer. Fourteen valuable components of CVs are discussed in this podcast.
The Correct Use of Acronyms Podcast
Texting has become so popular that using acronyms has become a strategy of twenty-first century communication. However, there is an appropriate and inappropriate time to use acronyms. If you are interested in learning more about what acronyms are and when and how to use them, listen to this podcast!
Seven Ways to Stay Awake
Do you find yourself falling asleep in situations where you shouldn’t, perhaps during class or a business meeting? In this podcast, we suggest various tricks, such as stretching, to help you stay awake!
How to Write a Strong Letter of Complaint Podcast
Most people do not like to complain, but writing a tasteful letter of complaint is one way to express your views. This podcast will help you organize your letter and keep it professional.
Editing Versus Proofreading Podcast
If you are looking for professional help with your writing, it is important to know what you need help with. The differences between editing and proofreading are outlined in this podcast. Knowing these differences will help you obtain the most appropriate service.
Editing Tips—Making Comparisons Podcast
As part of the Editing Tips series, this podcast gives suggestions about how to make comparisons in academic writing in order to give your reader all the necessary information. Tips and examples of how to avoid a phantom comparison are supplied to help ensure the clarity of your writing.
A Review of Microsoft Office 2010
Microsoft has made some changes to its Office suite of programs. This podcast, written from a clear, concise, non-IT perspective, will update you about what has been removed, added, or changed.
Combination Resumes Podcast: Choosing the Right Resume
It is important to have a resume that matches the description of the job you are applying for. This podcast will provide a brief overview of combination, targeted, and mini resumes, and will show you just when to use them in your search for that perfect position.
Eliminating Wordiness
When a sentence is too long and is full of extra, unimportant words, it is referred to as wordy. If a sentence is wordy, it can be hard to comprehend and will detract from your writing. Try to follow these tips to avoid wordiness and to produce clear, concise writing.
Are You Using an Editorial Calendar?
Want to write more articles? And more often? Then follow in the footsteps of magazine editors and utilize an editorial calendar. Our editors explain the benefits of using an editorial calendar in this podcast.
10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Editor Podcast
Good writing comes from good editing. A professional editor does more than correct mistakes; they can help you turn lead into gold! The following podcast includes 10 reasons to hire a professional editor.