How to Use Apostrophes Correctly Podcast
The apostrophe is an overlooked part of punctuation that is often misused or ignored completely. This podcast tells you how to use apostrophes correctly, whether you are trying to show possession (e.g., Fred's car) or indicate the omission of a letter (e.g., it's).
How to Format a Resume Podcast
If you have a lot you want to say on your resume, or perhaps if you don't have enough, proper formatting can be a valuable way to manage your words. Your resume should be clear, concise, and guide your potential employer. This podcast will help you determine what to feature in your resume and the most appealing way to format that information.
How to Format a CV Podcast
There are several important components of a CV. It is after you address these basic elements that you can customize your CV to suit a particular employer. Fourteen valuable components of CVs are discussed in this podcast.
How to Format a Cover Letter Podcast
Here at Scribendi.com, we know how important first impressions are, especially the first impression created by your cover letter. This podcast outlines how you can format your cover letter in a way that appeals to your potential employer and distinguishes you from other applicants.
Adjectives and Adverbs Podcast
This podcast provides definitions and examples of both adjectives and adverbs. It highlights key points to remember when identifying and including them in your writing and provides a few exceptions you should be aware of.
The Correct Use of Acronyms Podcast
Texting has become so popular that using acronyms has become a strategy of twenty-first century communication. However, there is an appropriate and inappropriate time to use acronyms. If you are interested in learning more about what acronyms are and when and how to use them, listen to this podcast!
Short Stories Podcast: Wondering How to Fit Your Big Ideas into a Small Space?
Do you have great ideas for a story, but don't have the time to write a full-length novel? Maybe you should consider writing a short story. This podcast details how to turn your ideas into a narrative for a short story, outlines what to include, and provides suggestions on how to organize your thoughts.
Seven Ways to Stay Awake
Do you find yourself falling asleep in situations where you shouldn’t, perhaps during class or a business meeting? In this podcast, we suggest various tricks, such as stretching, to help you stay awake!
How to Write a Strong Letter of Complaint Podcast
Most people do not like to complain, but writing a tasteful letter of complaint is one way to express your views. This podcast will help you organize your letter and keep it professional.
How to Write a Book Review Podcast
When writing a book review, it is important to know the difference between a review and a report or summary—reviewing means discussing the strengths and weaknesses of a book. This podcast details ways to keep your review critical and how to support your argument.
Full Stops: A How-To Guide Podcast
There are multiple forms of full stops or symbols used to signal the end of a sentence, each used under different circumstances. When to use a full stop and the proper form to use are discussed in this podcast.
Everything You Need to Know about Italics
While italics are used in both science and arts/humanities writing, they are applied in different ways. In this podcast, to the appropriate use of italics is discussed in detail.
Editing Versus Proofreading Podcast
If you are looking for professional help with your writing, it is important to know what you need help with. The differences between editing and proofreading are outlined in this podcast. Knowing these differences will help you obtain the most appropriate service.
Editing Tips—Making Comparisons Podcast
As part of the Editing Tips series, this podcast gives suggestions about how to make comparisons in academic writing in order to give your reader all the necessary information. Tips and examples of how to avoid a phantom comparison are supplied to help ensure the clarity of your writing.
Front Matter Podcast: What it is and Why it is Important
Maybe you've flipped through the first few pages of a book and wondered what all that information is about, or maybe you've always just skipped those pages. All the material that appears at the front of a book before the actual content is called front matter, and it actually contains some very important information! To learn more about front matter, please listen to our podcast.
Chronological Resume Podcast
There are many types of resumes to choose from, and making sure you have the right style for the job to which you are applying can be intimidating. A chronological resume is a simple, fact-based resume that allows employers to skim through your work experience and qualifications. If you are planning to write a chronological resume, this podcast will help you understand how to create one.
How to Edit and Proofread: Tips for Bloggers
Blogs are becoming one of the most popular forms of media. With their easy access and user-friendly nature, anyone can now publish a blog. The informal nature of blogs leads to many errors being published. This can detract from the author's credibility. This podcast provides some tips for bloggers to help optimize his or her blog posts.