Homophone Worksheet: Think You Understand Homophones?
In our article on homophones, we discussed what they are and helped explain the differences between them. Now, it's time for you to try our homophone worksheet to test your homophone knowledge!
How to Write a Research Paper
In our first article of this two part series, we discussed how to research a term paper. In this article, we will discuss how to write a term or research paper.
MLA Podcast Series: An Introduction to MLA Citations
To avoid allegations of plagiarism, it is crucial that all academic writers learn the art of creating citations. For some, MLA citations can be more overwhelming than writing the actual paper. This podcast will explain everything you need to know about MLA citations to ensure your next project is a breeze.
MLA Podcast Series: An Introduction to MLA Style and Formatting
Modern Language Association (MLA) is a universally accepted method of formatting humanities sources. This podcast will briefly explain MLA style guidelines, give examples of MLA formatting, and offer a list of tips.
How to Reduce Wordiness
Do you find yourself writing sentences that are far too long? Have you ever re-read a sentence and struggled to finish it in one breath? If so, you may be suffering from something called prolixity, or in laymen’s terms, wordiness. Our editors suggest several ways to help you avoid wordiness and increase quality.
How to Use Quotation Marks
If you thought the first article about quotation marks was a non-stop ride of grammatical thrills and chills, hold on to your hats because part two features even more explosions of grammatical greatness! And now, without further ado, we are proud to present Quotations Marks: How to Use Quotation Marks.
Plural Possessives Podcast: Does that little apostrophe get you every time?
Do you struggle with plural possessives? If so, don't feel bad; you're not alone! Knowing when and where to add the apostrophe to possessives can be tricky. Further complicating matters is that the correct usage sometimes looks and sounds wrong. We hope that by the end of this podcast, you'll have a better grasp of plural possessives and how and when to use them. In this podcast, our editors discuss plural possessives and how to use them correctly.
10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Editor Podcast
Good writing comes from good editing. A professional editor does more than correct mistakes; they can help you turn lead into gold! The following podcast includes 10 reasons to hire a professional editor.