What is an Adjective?
Are adjectives causing you aggravation? Are you unsure of the difference between adjectives and adverbs? Perhaps you are asking yourself “What is an adjective?” Whatever the case, this article will help you make sense of these descriptive words.
How to Write a Report on a Book
We have already provided students with useful tips on the importance of taking notes when reading a novel for a book report. Now it's time to put those notes into action and start writing a book report.
How to Write a Book Report
Writing a book report can be a difficult task that requires you to deal with a large amount of information in a relatively small space. But don't be discouraged—in this article we outline how to prepare for your book report and in our later article we discuss how to write a book report.
What is a Verb?
When it comes to constructing a sentence, the verb is widely considered to be one of the most integral elements. In the simplest of definitions, a verb is an action. Drink, walk, talk, drive, and dive are all verbs. But as with everything English, it can't possibly be this easy, can it?
How to Write a Lab Report
When writing a scientific paper or lab report, remember that your purpose is to communicate your findings to the reader and to explain the research behind your findings. However, proving your overall knowledge of the subject in question is just as important.
How to Set Up a Lab Report
In this installment of our Lab Reports and Scientific Papers series, we shift the focus to lab report formatting and the overall organization of information.
Lab Report Citations
This article is the third and final installment of our series about lab reports and scientific papers. Lab report citation style is the topic up for discussion in this part of our series.
When to Use Italics
Have you ever found yourself questioning your use of italics in a term paper or essay? Does using italicized print worry you to the extent that you just avoid italics altogether? When exactly is the right time to use italics? This article will explain when to use those slanted letters and when it is best to leave them upright.