Editing Tips—The Wandering Only Podcast
In formal academic writing, the placement or improper use of "only" is a mistake that can affect the clarity of your work and potentially change the overall meaning of your sentences. This podcast details how to avoid the wandering only and also gives examples.
Editing Versus Proofreading Podcast
If you are looking for professional help with your writing, it is important to know what you need help with. The differences between editing and proofreading are outlined in this podcast. Knowing these differences will help you obtain the most appropriate service.
Editing vs. Proofreading
Scribendi's infographic about the difference between editing and proofreading.
Editing: What Is It?
On this page you'll find a list of all our editing service types. Read the descriptions on the left, choose one suited to your situation and click a link on the right to get started.
ESL Writing Tips
You are a professional and are very proficient at academic writing in your first language, but when it comes to translating your work into written English, suddenly you don't know your "ifs" from your "ofs." This is natural in professional ESL writing, because writing in another language is a lot more complicated than speaking it. However, here are some helpful tips to improve your ESL writing.
Essay Writing Help
You've created the blueprint for a perfect paper: outlined the framework, devised a great thesis statement and located enough evidence to support your argument. What remains to be done, is to analyze those facts in original and intriguing ways.
Five Habits to Avoid in Your Academic Writing
After editing thousands of pieces of academic writing, our editors have compiled five of the most common mistakes that academics make and offer suggestions on how to avoid them.
How Business Editing Will Help You Avoid Redundancies Podcast
Redundancy comes across as unprofessional in business writing, so it is important to be clear and concise instead of overly wordy. This podcast will supply you with ways to improve your business writing skills so you are precise and professional.