11 Famous Movie Quotes That Are Grammatically Incorrect
Grammar does not have to be boring! Learn about the rules of grammar from these 11 grammatically incorrect movie quotes.
19 Grammar Lesson Plans to Help Your Students Succeed
Have you created your grammar lesson plans yet? See what other teachers are doing, and see how you can incorporate these ideas into your classroom!
35 Engaging ESL Games to Enhance Your English
Learning English does not have to be a tedious process. These ESL games will help you perfect your English, whatever your current proficiency.
4 Common Grammar Mistakes You Aren't Actually Making
It is never fun when someone corrects your common grammar mistakes, but it is even worse when you were actually right all along.
50 Great Reasons to Date a Grammar Nerd
The ability to pen a grammatically flawless love note is not the only thing a grammar nerd brings to a relationship.
Active and Passive Voice
Are you unsure whether to use the active of passive voice? Our editors explain why using the active voice will make your academic papers stronger.
Adjectives and Adverbs Podcast
This podcast provides definitions and examples of both adjectives and adverbs. It highlights key points to remember when identifying and including them in your writing and provides a few exceptions you should be aware of.
Adjectives or Adverbs?
Are you constantly confusing adverbs and adjectives? Scribendi's editors will help cure your confusion for good.