The Preposition Proposition Podcast
An incorrect preposition can drastically change your intended meaning. Although little words such as at and on can seem insignificant, believe us when we say that they are quite important. Using them appropriately will make your writing clear and easy to understand, but this can be difficult if you are inexperienced with writing English. If you are interested in better understanding what prepositions are, how to use them properly, and how to avoid confusion, we hope this podcast will prove helpful.
The Rules of Capitalization
Capitalization in English entails quite a bit more than simply knowing to begin names and titles with capital letters. To be successful, follow these simple capitalization rules.
The Student's Guide to Grammar and Punctuation
When writing a paper, never underestimate the importance of correct grammar and punctuation. These resources will help you get it right every time.
The Wandering Only
In this article, we discuss what we call the wandering or misplaced "only," which, although common and usually understood in everyday casual speech, is often confusing and has no place in formal or academic writing.
Using Articles—A, An, The
Put simply, an article is a word that combines with a noun. Articles are actually adjectives because they describe the nouns that they precede. In English, there are only three articles: the, a, and an.
Using Commas
In our earlier article we learned that commas remove ambiguity and ensure that the reader understands the meaning the author wants to convey. Let's continue looking at some additional grammatical constructions that call for comma usage.
What are Appositives?
An appositive is a noun or a pronoun (often with modifiers) that is beside another noun or pronoun, usually with the purpose of explaining or modifying. Now don’t get nervous—we'll help you figure this out.
What is a Comma?
The comma is the most important punctuation mark for ensuring clarity in a sentence, but it is often incorrectly used. Follow our helpful comma rules to ensure you are using commas correctly.