Our editors provide a sample bibliography using the Chicago Manual of Style

In this sample Chicago Manual of Style bibliography, our editors provide examples of citations formatted to follow the Chicago Manual of Style. These citations can apply to any research project, so you may use them as a reference when making a works cited page for many of your assignments.
Feel free to consult our essay editors if you have difficulty with writing your own works cited page.
Last Name, First Name. Title, Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Book with one author
Aprilson, Andy. The Emergency Budget Task Force Handbook. Mississippi: Haberdasher, 2001.
Book with two or more authors
Bringham, Darrin E., and Sally Knope. Resting Heartbeat Science, 12th ed. Alahandro: Spaghetti, 2001.
Anonymous work
Fog Pirates: On Board the USS Hammerhead. Pickleton: Putters, 2001.
Chapter or part of a book
Kyle, Fred D. "Fog Pirates: On Board the USS Hammerhead," in Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, edited by Fred D. Kyle, Charles Christopherson, Ronald Swanson, and Roger Koltz, 67–83. Pickleton: Putters, 2001.
Edition other than the first
Frankford, Edward, and Tina Curly. The Modern Shopper, 4th ed. Washington D.C: Pickleton Press, 2001.
Two or more works by the same author
Zruna, Jim. Adequate Lawn Care 101. Detroit: University of Michigan Press, 1993.
---. Common Lawn Pests and How to Destroy Them Effectively. Florida: Simon & Penguin, 1991.
Mifflin, Tom. "Eating and its Cultural Relevance." Anthropology Today 35, no. 2 (1995): 183–197.
Online periodical
Mifflin, Tom. "Eating and its Cultural Relevance." Anthropology Today 35, no. 2 (1995): 183–197. Accessed May 20, 2012. https://www.anthrotoday.com/iss35/no2/mifflin.html.
LaFrambois, Karen. "Why Do People Treat Their Pets Better than Other Humans?" Vanity Circus, September 20, 2003, 121–140.
Journal article
Coxswain, Abraham D. "Analyzing the Psychology of Odd Juxtaposition." Name Technology 42 (1986): 121–342.
Journal article appearing in an electronic database
Coxswain, Abraham D. "Analyzing the Psychology of Odd Juxtaposition." Name Technology 42 (1986): 121–342. Accessed May 2, 2002. Online via JSTOR <www.jstor.org/>.
Newspaper article
"Earth Day 2012." Blenheim Daily Press, August 18, 1990, B2.
Coxswain, Abraham D. "Analyzing the Psychology of Odd Juxtaposition." PhD diss., University of Western Ontario, 1999.
Government Document
Canada Revenue Agency. Average Exchange Rates for 2009. Ottawa: Queen Printer, 2010.
Electronic sources
Entire website
The Green Bay Packers. "The Official Website of the Super Bowl XLV Champion Green Bay Packers." Accessed May 22, 2001. https://www.packers.com/.
Article in an online database
Paulson, Robert. "Soapmaking: A Journey through the Dirty World of Saponification." Journal of Pierce & Pierce 55, no. 81 (1991): 21–48. Accessed April 14, 2001. https://www.journalofpierceandpierce.com.
Email messages can be cited in running text; however, they are rarely listed in a bibliography. The following example shows the formal version of a note.
Rodgers, Aaron. Re: I Am Your Biggest Fan, March 20, 2011.
Other common non-print sources
Zoom: Academy for Superheroes. DVD. Directed by Peter Hewitt. 1999. Burbank, CA: Revolution Studios, 2006.
Television program
Fancy Eats. "Cooking with Chocolate." The Food Channel. June 6, 2006.
McCabe, Adam. Interview by Larry King. Larry King Live. CNN, September 21, 2009.
McRae, Kellen. "No Surprises." Lecture. University of Western Ontario. Matthew Coleman Hall, September 21, 2004.