SEO Marketing and Your Business: What You Need to Know
Scribendi gives you some tips about how to use SEO marketing to your business’s advantage.
So, What Exactly Is a Social Media Editor?
Scribendi explains exactly what a social media editor does and why this is such an important job.
The New Age of Marketing: Social Media and Business
Scribendi explains the changing relationship of social media and business.
Copy This: Four Sites that Totally Rock at Website Copy
Scribendi.com breaks down the awesome website copy of four popular sites.
Resume Errors Can Cost You Your Dream Job
Scribendi explains how resume errors can cost you your dream job. Prevent resume errors today by outsourcing your resume editing.
10 Tips to Improve your Grammar
Scribendi.com offers 10 tips to improve your grammar.
Commonly Confused Adjectives
Scribendi's infographic about commonly confused adjectives.
How to Write an Ebook
Learn how to write an ebook in seven steps. The process is easier than you think!
Hiring an Ebook Editor Will Boost Your Ebook Sales
Hiring an ebook editor will be the best decision you ever made. This article explains why.
Everything You Need to Know about Ebook Formatting
These easy steps will help ensure your ebook formatting goes smoothly.
Four Handy Ebook Publishing Tips
These four handy ebook publishing tips for writers will help you share your ebook with the world.
Scribendi.com Interviews Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty
Scribendi interviewed Grammar Girl to get the scoop on how she consistently makes grammar fun!
Professional Editors: The Life of a Word Warrior
Scribendi.com's humorous video about the life of a professional editor.
How to Write an Introduction Letter
Have you been asked to write an introduction letter? We have put together helpful tips for writing an introduction letter.
Why Hiring a Copy Editor Is a Good Idea
Find out why hiring a copy editor is a good idea that can actually save you money.
The Online Resume Advantage
Scribendi.com's editors explain why online resumes are the new way to apply for employment.
Copy Editing and Why You Need It
Everything you need to know about copy editing.