Top 10 Most Commonly Misspelled Words
Scribendi.com's editing professionals discuss the top 10 most commonly misspelled words.
Sample Literature Review
Looking for a literature review template? Our free sample will familiarize you with the format and style of a professional review.
Writing a Literature Review
Writing a literature review is a great way to explore a new topic. These five tips will help you make the most out of the research and writing process.
What is a Literature Review?
If you’ve ever wondered what a literature review is, this article will answer your questions and teach you the basics of organizing and writing a review.
Scribendi.com Interviews Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty
Scribendi interviewed Grammar Girl to get the scoop on how she consistently makes grammar fun!
Turabian Style Bibliography
If you wish to cite references using the Turabian style, this article will provide you with examples of how to do so properly.
Chicago Manual of Style Bibliography
In this sample Chicago Manual of Style bibliography, our editors provide examples of citations that follow the Chicago Manual of Style. These citations can apply to any research project, so you may use them as a reference when making a works cited page for many of your assignments.
Why Hiring a Copy Editor Is a Good Idea
Find out why hiring a copy editor is a good idea that can actually save you money.
Copy Editing and Why You Need It
Everything you need to know about copy editing.
How to Write Concisely
Writing concisely is hard work; you must convey your meaning in just a few carefully chosen words. However, your readers will surely thank you!
Ten Tips to Help You Avoid Telling Writing
One of the most often quoted axioms is “Show, don’t tell.” The idea is to keep students from explaining the story, that is, to stop them from using telling writing and use showing writing instead. I have compiled ten tips that actually show you how to avoid telling writing.
Curriculum Vitae Example
Now that you know how to write a CV and format a CV, examining an example is the next step in preparing to create or update your own CV.
How to Write an Expository Essay
Maybe you find yourself on this page because your instructor asked you to write an expository essay, and you aren’t exactly sure what’s expected of you—if so, you’ve certainly found the right place. Expository writing, or exposition, is a type of discourse used to describe, explain, define, inform, or clarify. It literally means “to expose.”
The Proper Use of Quotation Marks
Who knew formatting quotation marks was so complicated? In order to help you navigate their subtle nuances and unpredictability, Scribendi.com has compiled a list of rules to help you properly format quotation marks.
Square Brackets, Curly Brackets, Angle Brackets, Oh My!
This article discusses the proper uses of square brackets, curly brackets and angle brackets. Brackets are actually more complex than most people realize!
Examples of MLA Citations
Our first article on MLA citations gave you an understanding of the functions of citations and an outline of how to properly use MLA citations. This article will provide you with several examples of how to write MLA citations for information from various sources.
Thesis/Dissertation Writing Series: How to Write a Literature Review
Choosing a general thesis topic is relatively easy, but deciding on specific and realistic research questions requires considerable thought and extensive enquiry. The dissertation literature review is one of the most demanding tasks in the thesis writing process.