How to Write a CV Podcast
A curriculum vitae is a good way to give a positive first impression. This podcast will outline the differences between a CV and a resume, when a CV should be used, and how to make your CV detailed, yet focused.
Freelance Editing Jobs
A recruitment infographic outlining the benefits of working as a freelance editor for Scribendi.
How to Write a Cover Letter Podcast
Formatting a cover letter is important, but the actual content is even more important. This podcast will help you understand how to highlight your most valuable attributes.
How to Write a College Recommendation Letter Podcast
If you are asked to write a college recommendation letter, you have some power over whether that student is accepted into a particular program. This podcast covers how to write the introduction, body, and conclusion of a recommendation letter.
How to Write a Business Plan Podcast
Establishing a business is a complex process. It should start with a detailed business plan. This podcast will cover such issues as the business profile, contacts, financing, marketing, and even bankruptcy plans, all of which are important for a successful business.
How to Write a Business Pitch Podcast
A great business pitch is necessary if you hope to attract an investor's interest. When pitching your idea, there are certain things you can do to improve your presentation. This podcast covers such issues as what details you should emphasize, what research you should do, and how long your speech should be.
Why Hiring a Copy Editor Is a Good Idea
Find out why hiring a copy editor is a good idea that can actually save you money.
How to Format a Resume Podcast
If you have a lot you want to say on your resume, or perhaps if you don't have enough, proper formatting can be a valuable way to manage your words. Your resume should be clear, concise, and guide your potential employer. This podcast will help you determine what to feature in your resume and the most appealing way to format that information.