How to Write an Introduction Letter
Have you been asked to write an introduction letter? We have put together helpful tips for writing an introduction letter.
How to Track Changes in Excel 2010 and 2013
Microsoft Excel's Track Changes function allows revisions to be made to a document and keeps a complete record of all changes made. This can be useful for collaboration and editing.
How to Write a Research Proposal—Podcast Part Two
This podcast details the anatomy of a research proposal. While there may be no wrong way to write a proposal, the style you choose must complement your content. Having a clear description of what you wish to research and the necessity of demonstrating your knowledge are just two points covered in this podcast.
The Semicolon and Colon Podcast
Using semicolons and colons in your writing allows you to include more information; however, the proper use of these valuable punctuation tools can also be confusing. This podcast will help you understand how to use semicolons and colons appropriately.
Technical Writing Podcast
Technical writers have to be clear and concise to convey complex information to a general audience. If you want to learn more about how to write manuals, training material, or other documentation of a technical nature, then this podcast will be of use. Pointers, such as know your audience and inject some personality, are included in this podcast. These and other basic rules will help make you a good technical writer.
How to Write a Press Release Podcast
Press releases are important to any business that wishes to highlight company events. Such releases generate public interest and awareness of a business, product, and/or service. This podcast outlines how to write an effective press release.
How to Write a Post-Interview Follow-Up Letter Podcast
It is never a bad idea to follow up after an interview, either by email or formal letter. This shows you appreciate being considered for the position, that you are still interested, and that you are waiting for a response. How to write a follow-up letter that will keep the lines of communication open, who to send the letter to, and when to send it are all covered in this podcast.
How to Write a Letter of Recommendation Podcast
If you are looking for tips on how to write a generic recommendation letter, then this podcast will prove useful. It details the proper style, tone, and content of an effective recommendation letter.