How to Write a Research Paper Podcast
If you are asked to write a research paper, you must find valid sources and use appropriate formatting. In this podcast, we explain the whole process.
Editing Tips—Active and Passive Voice Podcast
As you are writing your novel, it is helpful to keep some tips in mind that will help strengthen your overall storytelling. One way to improve your writing is to use the active rather than the passive voice. If you are interested in learning more about active and passive voice, listen to this podcast!
Expository Writing Podcast
If you have to write an expository essay, but don't know how, then this podcast is the perfect tool to help you learn. After becoming informed about the characteristics of an expository piece, how they are formatted, what should be included and methods to writing them, you will be ready to begin!
Thesis/Dissertation Writing Podcast Series: How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation
Writing your dissertation or thesis is a detailed process that will run smoothly if you keep organized. If you are looking for help on how to write the first draft of your dissertation or thesis, this podcast is perfect for you!
Scribendi.com's editors explain the difference between a and an.
The Semicolon and Colon Podcast
Using semicolons and colons in your writing allows you to include more information; however, the proper use of these valuable punctuation tools can also be confusing. This podcast will help you understand how to use semicolons and colons appropriately.
The Preposition Proposition Podcast
An incorrect preposition can drastically change your intended meaning. Although little words such as at and on can seem insignificant, believe us when we say that they are quite important. Using them appropriately will make your writing clear and easy to understand, but this can be difficult if you are inexperienced with writing English. If you are interested in better understanding what prepositions are, how to use them properly, and how to avoid confusion, we hope this podcast will prove helpful.
Quotation Marks Podcast: When to Use Double or Single Quotation Marks
If you need some clarification on whether to use single or double quotation marks, this podcast is for you. Knowing the appropriate way to use these quotation marks is critical for clearly articulating what you want to say.