Learn About Adjectives
English just wouldn't be the same without these descriptive words. If you're looking for detailed explanations and examples of what an adjective is and how to place them properly, then this podcast will answer all your questions.
Bad Grammar: Six Common Mistakes
Scribendi.com's infographic explains that bad grammar happens to good people.
Adjectives and Adverbs Podcast
This podcast provides definitions and examples of both adjectives and adverbs. It highlights key points to remember when identifying and including them in your writing and provides a few exceptions you should be aware of.
The Question Mark Podcast: How and When to Use It
The usage of question marks depends on context. This podcast outlines how to use question marks properly, and provides you with clear examples. The use of question marks in screen plays and in formal and informal writing is also discussed in detail.
The Comma—Podcast Part One: What is a Comma?
Do you ever wonder if you are using too many commas or not enough? In this podcast, we explain what a comma is and how to use it.
Seven Ways to Stay Awake
Do you find yourself falling asleep in situations where you shouldn’t, perhaps during class or a business meeting? In this podcast, we suggest various tricks, such as stretching, to help you stay awake!
How to Write Concisely
Writing concisely is hard work; you must convey your meaning in just a few carefully chosen words. However, your readers will surely thank you!
Quotation Marks Podcast: How to Format Quotation Marks
There is actually a lot to consider when using quotation marks, including when to use single or double quotation marks and how to format a quote within a quote. These questions, among others, are answered in this podcast.