How to Edit and Proofread: Tips for Bloggers
Blogs are becoming one of the most popular forms of media. With their easy access and user-friendly nature, anyone can now publish a blog. The informal nature of blogs leads to many errors being published. This can detract from the author's credibility. This podcast provides some tips for bloggers to help optimize his or her blog posts.
Cover Letter Examples
Writing a cover letter is a challenging task; one that can mean the difference between landing your dream job or receiving a candidate rejection letter. By following our cover letter example, you are well on your way to writing a proper cover letter and landing that dream job.
A Combination Resume Example
Scribendi.com's editors provide a combination resume example. This is meant to highlight how a combination resume may be formatted.
Combination Resumes! Targeted Resumes! Mini Resumes! Which Do I Choose?
Having a resume that fits the description of the job you are targeting is imperative, but with the many types of resumes out there, choosing which to use can be confusing. This article will provide a brief overview of combination, targeted, and mini resumes, and show you just when to use them in your search for that perfect position.
Eliminating Wordiness
When a sentence is too long and is full of extra, unimportant words, it is referred to as wordy. If a sentence is wordy, it can be hard to comprehend and will detract from your writing. Try to follow these tips to avoid wordiness and to produce clear, concise writing.
Beginners Guide to Punctuation Podcast
Punctuation marks may not seem important, but they are. Without correct usage of punctuation, the meaning of a sentence can be lost. This podcast will highlight the basic rules of English language punctuation.
Formal Letter Example
Now that you know how to write a formal letter, we thought you could benefit from a formal letter example. Please use this example as a template to help you write the perfect business or formal letter. And remember, send your correspondence to our letter editors to ensure your document is clear and concise.
A Sample Resume
Now that we have discussed how to write a resume and provided you with resume formatting tips, it's time to provide a sample resume. This example of a resume will illustrate the type of content that should be included and the general format that should be used when constructing a standard resume.