
Pre-writing Podcast: Having Trouble Putting Words on the Page?

Pre-writing Podcast: Having Trouble Putting Words on the Page?

Authors have their own writing habits, and sometimes they can be slightly odd-they may have to write first thing in the morning, only late at night, or never on Tuesdays! When asked, every author will offer different advice about how to begin the pre-writing process. What is pre-writing, you ask? We explain the pre-writing process in this podcast.
Is Writer's Block Getting You Down?

Is Writer's Block Getting You Down?

If you've clicked on the link to this podcast, chances are you're one of the many authors who have suffered-or is currently suffering-from writer's block. As the fabled nemesis of authors, writer's block is perhaps the most frustrating thing about being an author. But have no fear, in this podcast we've listed ten ways you can shake off writer’s block and get back to writing.
How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter Podcast

How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter Podcast

Finding the perfect candidate is never easy. Once you have hired someone, informing the other applicants that they were not selected for the position is beneficial. Listen to our podcast to find out why writing a candidate rejection letter so important.
Tips to Writing a Prologue

Tips to Writing a Prologue

Not all novels have a prologue, and for good reason. A prologue can be a helpful tool when writing your novel, but it can also be harmful when used incorrectly. This podcast will help explain the prologue and whether you should use one.
Chronological Resume Examples

Chronological Resume Examples

Now that you know what a chronological resume is and how to format one, let’s take a look at an example chronological resume for someone with a solid work history and one for a recent graduate.
How to Format a Chronological Resume

How to Format a Chronological Resume

Writing a great resume is your first step in securing a job. The confusing part about resumes is that there are several different types to choose from: functional, chronological, combination, targeted, and mini are just some of the available resume formats. In this article, we’re going to discuss the chronological resume—what it is, and how to write one.
Scribendi Review: Microsoft Office 2010

Scribendi Review: Microsoft Office 2010

I am, by trade, an editor and writer. So am I, the astute reader might ask, the right person to write an article entitled "A Microsoft Office 2010 Review"? The answer is quite simple. I am the right person to write this article because I am not an IT guy.
Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks

In “Understanding Punctuation,” we covered some of the most common punctuation marks used in English writing. Now, let’s look at a few more punctuation marks in further detail.
Which vs. That

Which vs. That

Contrary to popular belief, "which" and "that" do not function in a similar capacity. Although "which" and "that" are both pronouns, they are not interchangeable. "Which" is used for non-restrictive phrases and "that" is used for restrictive phrases.