What's the Point? How to Write a Great Thesis Statement Podcast
A thorough and precise thesis statement is one of the most important aspects of writing an impressionable essay, as it can guide your reader through your paper and help to clarify your argument. This podcast is great for students who need assistance with choosing a topic and organizing main findings. We also provide English and social science thesis examples that are extremely helpful!
Understanding Punctuation Podcast
Punctuation can be confusing and sometimes frustrating. If you want to better understand the fundamentals of punctuation, this podcast will help. It includes five key punctuation rules that will ease your frustration.
Resume Fraud and Padding Podcast
It is important to sell your skills and experience in your resume, but it is also important to be honest. Resume fraud is unacceptable. This helpful podcast defines resume fraud and provides tips on how to make your resume stand out without being dishonest.
Plagiarism and Its Repercussions: The Podcast
Plagiarism is the act of representing someone else's ideas as your own and is a serious offense. As discussed in this podcast, properly citing your sources is one way to avoid plagiarism.
How Business Editing Will Help You Avoid Redundancies Podcast
Redundancy comes across as unprofessional in business writing, so it is important to be clear and concise instead of overly wordy. This podcast will supply you with ways to improve your business writing skills so you are precise and professional.
Improve Your Understanding of Appositives Podcast
Understanding sentence structure and grammar can be difficult. In this podcast, we discuss appositives and provide examples. This podcast gives the rules for using appositives correctly.
The Brackets Podcast: Square, Curly, and Angle Brackets
This podcast provides detailed definitions of the three brackets commonly used: Square, Curly, and Angle Brackets. We elaborate on these definitions using multiple examples of when each bracket is appropriate.
Capitalization Podcast: Not Sure When to Use Capitalization?
When am I supposed to use capitalization? If this is a question you ask yourself, then listen to this podcast.
Editing Tips—The Wandering Only Podcast
In formal academic writing, the placement or improper use of "only" is a mistake that can affect the clarity of your work and potentially change the overall meaning of your sentences. This podcast details how to avoid the wandering only and also gives examples.
Improve Your Writing Skills Podcast: Great Writing is in the Details
Having a great idea isn’t enough; you have to know how to communicate it. This podcast provides suggestions, such as avoiding repetition or using original thought, to help you better express your ideas in writing.
Thesis/Dissertation Writing Podcast Series: What is a Thesis?
If you are considering furthering your academic career, it is important you know what will be expected of you when writing your dissertation or thesis. The difference between the two is discussed in this podcast.
How to Write a Great Essay Podcast
After you have an outline and have researched your subject, it is time to write your essay. This podcast details the steps you should follow to produce a successful essay and improve your overall writing.
How to Write a Great Introduction Podcast
It is important to think of an introduction as a map to your paper. A good introduction can immediately set your paper apart from those of others. This podcast outlines the steps to help you write a powerful opening, such as including a well-constructed thesis statement.
How to Write a Research Paper Podcast
If you are asked to write a research paper, you must find valid sources and use appropriate formatting. In this podcast, we explain the whole process.
Editing Tips—Active and Passive Voice Podcast
As you are writing your novel, it is helpful to keep some tips in mind that will help strengthen your overall storytelling. One way to improve your writing is to use the active rather than the passive voice. If you are interested in learning more about active and passive voice, listen to this podcast!
Expository Writing Podcast
If you have to write an expository essay, but don't know how, then this podcast is the perfect tool to help you learn. After becoming informed about the characteristics of an expository piece, how they are formatted, what should be included and methods to writing them, you will be ready to begin!
Thesis/Dissertation Writing Podcast Series: How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation
Writing your dissertation or thesis is a detailed process that will run smoothly if you keep organized. If you are looking for help on how to write the first draft of your dissertation or thesis, this podcast is perfect for you!