Full Stops: A How-To Guide Podcast
There are multiple forms of full stops or symbols used to signal the end of a sentence, each used under different circumstances. When to use a full stop and the proper form to use are discussed in this podcast.
Everything You Need to Know about Italics
While italics are used in both science and arts/humanities writing, they are applied in different ways. In this podcast, to the appropriate use of italics is discussed in detail.
ESL Writing Tips Podcast
You may be great at writing in your native language, but during the translation process what you are trying to say may come across as being inconsistent or unclear. This podcast will give ESL writers some helpful tips to improve their compositions.
Editing Versus Proofreading Podcast
If you are looking for professional help with your writing, it is important to know what you need help with. The differences between editing and proofreading are outlined in this podcast. Knowing these differences will help you obtain the most appropriate service.
Editing Tips—Making Comparisons Podcast
As part of the Editing Tips series, this podcast gives suggestions about how to make comparisons in academic writing in order to give your reader all the necessary information. Tips and examples of how to avoid a phantom comparison are supplied to help ensure the clarity of your writing.
The Functions of Conjunctions Podcast
Conjunctions are an important element in business writing. Their proper use can improve sentence structure and, consequently, the overall effect of your writing. The different kinds of conjunctions, or ways to connect two sentences, are discussed in this podcast.
Hyphenation Podcast: Are You Confused by Hyphenation?
Punctuation marks can be confusing, and the hyphen is no exception. In this podcast, the Scribendi.com editors explain what the hyphen is and how to use it in different circumstances.
Beginners Guide to Punctuation Podcast
Punctuation marks may not seem important, but they are. Without correct usage of punctuation, the meaning of a sentence can be lost. This podcast will highlight the basic rules of English language punctuation.
Eliminating Wordiness
When a sentence is too long and is full of extra, unimportant words, it is referred to as wordy. If a sentence is wordy, it can be hard to comprehend and will detract from your writing. Try to follow these tips to avoid wordiness and to produce clear, concise writing.
MLA Podcast Series: An Introduction to MLA Style and Formatting
Modern Language Association (MLA) is a universally accepted method of formatting humanities sources. This podcast will briefly explain MLA style guidelines, give examples of MLA formatting, and offer a list of tips.
MLA Podcast Series: An Introduction to MLA Citations
To avoid allegations of plagiarism, it is crucial that all academic writers learn the art of creating citations. For some, MLA citations can be more overwhelming than writing the actual paper. This podcast will explain everything you need to know about MLA citations to ensure your next project is a breeze.
Introduction to Adverbs Podcast
Adverbs are used to qualify or modify various parts of speech. This podcast will explain the different types of adverbs and provide examples for each.
How to Write a Book Proposal Podcast
How does one go about writing a book proposal? Writing a book proposal can be tricky. In this podcast, the editors at Scribendi.com explain what a book proposal is and offer tips on how to write a book proposal for fiction.
10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Editor Podcast
Good writing comes from good editing. A professional editor does more than correct mistakes; they can help you turn lead into gold! The following podcast includes 10 reasons to hire a professional editor.
Plural Possessives Podcast: Does that little apostrophe get you every time?
Do you struggle with plural possessives? If so, don't feel bad; you're not alone! Knowing when and where to add the apostrophe to possessives can be tricky. Further complicating matters is that the correct usage sometimes looks and sounds wrong. We hope that by the end of this podcast, you'll have a better grasp of plural possessives and how and when to use them. In this podcast, our editors discuss plural possessives and how to use them correctly.
The 10 Most Common ESL Mistakes Podcast
Let's give credit where credit is due: Being an English as a Second Language (ESL) student is tough. You must learn new material in your field of study while also learning another language. Sometimes, you may sit through classes that you do not fully understand, which can affect your ESL writing. In addition, the requirement to write papers in a language that is not your first language (and may even be your third or fourth) is daunting. Kudos to all ESL students! In this podcast, we highlight the 10 most common ESL mistakes we’ve encountered in ESL academic writing.
Ligatures Podcast: A Guide to their Proper and Improper Use
In writing, including fiction writing and typography, a ligature is two or more graphemes that are joined to make a single glyph. More simply put, a ligature is a single character that is created by joining multiple characters. In this podcast, our editors will explain what a ligature is and how to use one correctly.