How Do You Write a Scientific Lab Report? - Scribendi
How do you write up your experiment in a scientific lab report? What should you include, and how do you structure your work? Find out in our lab report writing guide.
Abstract vs. Introduction—What's the Difference?
Everything you need to know about abstracts and introductions, including their fundamental differences.
Welcome to Scribendi Academy: Your New Home for Edanz Learning Lab Content
The tools and educational content you've relied on from the Edanz Learning Lab have now been integrated with those of our partner brand, Scribendi, in the comprehensive Scribendi Academy.
How to Use AI in Your Academic Writing
Discover practical tips for using AI in your academic writing from this Q&A from an expert editor. Learn how to use AI to produce high-quality scholarly papers with ease.
How to Write a Paragraph in an Essay
Scribendi outlines how to write a paragraph in an essay, from your topic sentence all the way to your transitions, and answers some common questions.
How to Write an Introduction to an Essay
Scribendi describes how to write an introduction to an essay in order to capture—and keep—the attention of your readers.
How to Write an Academic Essay in 6 Simple Steps
Scribendi outlines how to write an academic essay in 6 simple steps, from how to research for an academic essay to how to revise an essay and everything in between.
How to Find the Right Academic Paper Editor or Proofreader
Should you proofread your paper yourself, ask a friend or colleague to look it over, or send it to a professional? The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each choice so that you can find the right research paper proofreader for you.
8 Best Human and AI Grammar Checkers of 2024
Scribendi presents a collection of the best human and artificial intelligence grammar checkers of 2024 in terms of speed, cost, and accuracy.
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Academic Writing
Discover academic writing's types, characteristics, tone, structure, and more, with our comprehensive guide.
11 Best Editing and Proofreading Services in 2024
Scribendi lists the best editing and proofreading services in 2024, considering editors' qualifications, the availability of sample editing, and more.
What Is a Preposition? How to Use It & Examples
Learn about different types of prepositions and how to use them when writing. Read on to improve your writing every day with Scribendi.
How to Paraphrase: Dos, Don'ts, and Strategies for Success
Learn how to paraphrase in different ways to enrich your writing without the risk of plagiarism. Sign up for our newsletter for more writing tips!
13 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Academic Essay Writing Skills
Here is everything you need to know about how to write a good essay. Learn the fundamentals of what makes a good essay so that you can perfect yours.
How to Master the 4 Types of Academic Writing
Discover the 4 types of academic writing and how to master each so your next paper or proposal is your best yet.
Examples of Good and Bad Research Questions
Wondering how to write a research question? Take a look at some research question examples and never formulate a bad research question again.
Speedy Citations: 6 Reference Management Software Solutions for Your Research
Here is Scribendi's review of reference management software to help you collect, organize, and cite your sources. Learn more tips at Scribendi.com.